Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh just another trillion...

So, now they want to spend yet another trillion... On top of the trillion they spent just the other day by buying back our own debt because no one else wants the stuff. They want to have a Private partnership. And oh I don't know leverage it 8 or 9....to 1 so we the tax payers are again taking all the risk. And, if it works.... (it won't) And they make a profit on it, Do we get a check in the mail for backing it with our hard earned money??? Ofcourse not! Yet all I hear lately is... Oh, the tax payer will get their money back... Oh the tax payer may make money on this deal. Blah blah blah. We will never see that money again... I mean, It was TAXED from us in the first place. It is all just a buzz to try to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Out of all the trillions they have spent... we got what.. one hundred and something billion in our stimilus?? Woohoo!!

And on down we go the slippery slope of Socialism

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